Entlebucher Mountain Dog, Entle, puppy, puppies, Swiss, Sennenhund, Switzerland, cattle herd, alps, lively, high energy, medium size, beautiful symmetrical markings, black, white and tan, tri-color, health, genetics, bloodlines, lifespan, disease, Bergen Alberta Canada, Cottonwood, Arizona, USA, Saint Ferriol, Aude, France, Eugene Oregon, USA, show, AKC, CKC, Superstition, Saguaro, Evelyn Kenny, BCOE, NEMDA, Qualified breeder, conscientious, honest
Entlebucher Mountain Dog, Entle, puppy, breeder, medium sized, family dog, friendly, the SMILING dog, easy to train, Entlebucher Sennenhund, Swiss Mountain Dog, Alberta, Bergen, ranch, breeder, medium sized, cattle dog, drover, herder, velcro dog, therapy, assistance, companion, agility, nose work, obedience, healthy, conscientious, ethical, intact, titres, deposit, Cottonwood, Arizona, raw food, enthusiastic, loyal, genetic diversity, AKC, CKC, conformation, performance, dog show, cute, cuddly, playful, Good Dog, AviDog, purposefully bred, purebred, well socialized, NEMDA, BCOE, tri-color, clean, , puppies available, active

Breeding for health, temperament and breed survival

Bar T T Ranch Entlebuchers
Litter D - The Space Explorers

Each fall, Ian & I try to head south to escape winter in Alberta. From the ranch near Bergen it is just about 24 hours driving to our winter home in Cottonwood, Arizona. We travel almost due south through Montana, Idaho, Utah and Arizona.
This year, our friend, Ken Bell was helping me with the drive, hauling 3 horses and our 2 adult Entlebuchers. Nakita came into heat just before we left home and Nelson was a bit crazy in the truck!
I had recently made contact with a new male in Aspen, CO that was qualified to breed. It would requre just a short detour to meet Rama and his owner. I expected to come back in a week or more for the actual mating.
But that's not how dog breeding works. On the day of our planned meet up, Nelson was particularly vocal. We put Nakita into the trailer for part of the trip to provide a little sanity. What a surprise we had when we arrived at Crescent Junction, UT. This was no ordinary gas station at a minor intersection!
JackAss Joe's is famous - try googling it And for good reason. Painted neon green and black, with huge printing, the front display is almost scary! Ken decided to brave the UFO zone and went inside to purchase some Armadillo Hot Sauce, which turned out to be excellent.
Although Rama was new to breeding, he didn't take very long to get interested and figure out the logistics. Nakita was obviously ready and very receptive to his moves.
JackAss Joe may have been focused on the UFOs but these pups will definitely be identified! But we had to use this auspicious location to name our litter. What better theme than Space Explorers?
Since humans began exploring space, the USA and Russia (USSR) have been major players. We plan to name the puppies after the space programs through the years.
You can expect to see some of the following names on the D Litter Puppies: Sputnik, Explorer, Vostok, Voskhod, Gemini, Soyuz, Apollo, Luna, Skylab, Salyut, Space Shuttle, Mir, Buran and Mercury, Voyageur, Pioneer, Courier, Mariner, Sojourner, Hubble and James Webb.

1st Satellite with radio transmission in space,
1957 - Sputnik
1st solar powered communications satellite,
Courier 18, 1960
1st chimpanzee in space, 1961 - Mercury-Redstone 2
1st successful planetary fly-by, Venus, Mariner 2, 1962
1st successful Mars fly-by, Mariner 4, 1965
1st rendezvous of manned spacecraft, Gemini 6A & 7, 1965
1st man on the moon, 1969, Neil Armstrong, Apollo 11
1st spacecraft to leave the inner solar system, Pioneer 10, 1972
1st successful Uranus fly-by, Voyager 2, 1986
1st satellite telephone service, Iridium 1, 1997
Sojourner Rover - a remote controlled vehicle built to explore Mars in 1997
The Hubble Space Telescope was launched into low Earth orbit in 1990 and is still working.

Sputnik - a series of space explorers that began with Sputnik I, the first artificial earth satellite, launched by the Soviet Union on October 4, 1957.
Sputnik means 'Satellite-One'. The Russian word for satellite, sputnik, was coined in the 18th century by combining the prefix s- ('fellow') and putnik ('traveler'), thereby meaning 'fellow-traveler', a meaning corresponding to the Latin root satelles ('guard, attendant or companion'), which is the origin of English satellite.
It sent a radio signal back to Earth for three weeks before its three silver-zinc batteries ran out. Aerodynamic drag caused it to fall back into the atmosphere on 4 January 1958.
It was a polished metal sphere 58 cm (23 in) in diameter with four external radio antennas to broadcast radio pulses. Its radio signal was easily detectable by amateur radio operators, and the 65° orbital inclination made its flight path cover virtually the entire inhabited Earth.
Explorer - a series of satellites launched by the United States, beginning with Explorer I on January 31, 1958.
Explorer 1 revolved around Earth in a looping orbit that took it as close as 354 kilometers (220 miles) to Earth and as far as 2,515 kilometers (1,563 miles). It made one orbit every 114.8 minutes, or a total of 12.54 orbits per day.
The satellite itself was 203 centimeters (80 inches) long and 15.9 centimeters (6.25 inches) in diameter. Explorer 1 made its final transmission on May 23, 1958.
It entered Earth’s atmosphere and burned up on March 31, 1970, after more than 58,000 orbits. The satellite weighed 14 kilograms (30.66 pounds).
Mercury - the first human space flight of the USA in 1958
Project Mercury was the first human spaceflight program of the United States, running from 1958 through 1963. An early highlight of the Space Race, its goal was to put a man into Earth orbit and return him safely, ideally before the Soviet Union. Taken over from the US Air Force by the newly created civilian space agency NASA, it conducted 20 uncrewed developmental flights (some using animals), and six successful flights by astronauts. The program, which took its name from Roman mythology, cost $2.57 billion (adjusted for inflation).[1][n 2] The astronauts were collectively known as the "Mercury Seven", and each spacecraft was given a name ending with a "7" by its pilot.
Luna - the Dream series, which achieved escape velocity from the earth in 1959.
Luna 1, also known as Mechta (Russian: Мечта [mʲɪt͡ɕˈta], lit.: Dream), E-1 No.4 and First Lunar Rover,[4] was the first spacecraft to reach the vicinity of Earth's Moon, the first spacecraft to leave Earth's orbit, and the first to be placed in heliocentric orbit. Intended as a Moon impactor, Luna 1 was launched as part of the Soviet Luna programme in 1959.
A malfunction in the ground-based control system caused an error in the upper stage rocket's burn time, and the spacecraft missed the Moon by 5,900 km (more than three times the Moon's radius). Luna 1 became the first human-made object to reach heliocentric orbit and was dubbed "Artificial Planet 1"[5] and renamed Mechta (Dream).[6] Luna 1 was also referred to as the "First Cosmic Ship",[5] in reference to its achievement of Earth escape velocity.
Vostok - a series of explorers launched by the USSR, beginning with Vostok I, the first human spaceflight, launched on April 12, 1961.
Vostok I was the first spaceflight of the Vostok programme and the first human orbital spaceflight in history. The Vostok 3KA space capsule was launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome on 12 April 1961, with Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin aboard, making him the first human to reach orbital velocity around the Earth and to complete a full orbit around the Earth.The orbital spaceflight consisted of a single orbit around Earth which skimmed the upper atmosphere at 169 kilometers (91 nautical miles) at its lowest point. The flight took 108 minutes from launch to landing. Gagarin parachuted to the ground separately from his capsule after ejecting at 7 km (23,000 ft) altitude.
Gemini - the first test of a staged spacecraft, April 8, 1964.
Gemini 1 was the first mission in NASA's Gemini program.[2] An uncrewed test flight of the Gemini spacecraft, its main objectives were to test the structural integrity of the new spacecraft and modified Titan II launch vehicle. It was also the first test of the new tracking and communication systems for the Gemini program and provided training for the ground support crews for the first crewed missions.[3]
Originally scheduled for launch in December 1963, difficulties in the development of both the spacecraft and its booster caused four months of delay. Gemini 1 was launched from Launch Complex 19 at Cape Kennedy (now Canaveral), Florida on April 8, 1964. The spacecraft stayed attached to the second stage of the rocket. The mission lasted for three orbits while test data were taken, but the spacecraft stayed in space for almost 64 orbits until its orbit decayed due to atmospheric drag. The spacecraft was not intended to be recovered, and holes were drilled through its heat shield to ensure it would not survive re-entry.
Voskhod - the Sunrise series of crewed space flights, beginning with Voskhod I launched October 12, 1964.
(Russian: Восход-1, lit. 'Sunrise-1') was the seventh crewed Soviet space flight. Flown by cosmonauts Vladimir Komarov, Konstantin Feoktistov, and Boris Yegorov, it launched 12 October 1964, and returned on the 13th. Voskhod 1 was the first human spaceflight to carry more than one crewman into orbit, the first flight without the use of spacesuits, and the first to carry either an engineer or a physician into outer space. It also set a crewed spacecraft altitude record of 336 km (209 mi).
Apollo - was planned to be the first crewed mission, but burned on the launch pad on January 27, 1967.
Apollo 1, initially designated AS-204, was planned to be the first crewed mission of the Apollo program,[1] the American undertaking to land the first man on the Moon. It was planned to launch on February 21, 1967, as the first low Earth orbital test of the Apollo command and service module. The mission never flew; a cabin fire during a launch rehearsal test at Cape Kennedy Air Force Station Launch Complex 34 on January 27 killed all three crew members—Command Pilot Gus Grissom, Senior Pilot Ed White, and Pilot Roger B. Chaffee—and destroyed the command module (CM). The name Apollo 1, chosen by the crew, was made official by NASA in their honor after the fire.
Soyuz - the first crewed spaceflight, launched April 23, 1967, killing the cosmonaut on descent.
Soyuz 1 (Russian: Союз 1, Union 1) was a crewed spaceflight of the Soviet space program. Launched into orbit on 23 April 1967 carrying cosmonaut colonel Vladimir Komarov, Soyuz 1 was the first crewed flight of the Soyuz spacecraft. The flight was plagued with technical issues, and Komarov was killed when the descent module crashed into the ground due to a parachute failure. This was the first in-flight fatality in the history of spaceflight.
Salyut - the Fireworks series, including the first crewed space station in 1971.
The Salyut programme (Russian: Салют, IPA: [sɐˈlʲut], meaning "salute" or "fireworks") was the first space station programme, undertaken by the Soviet Union. It involved a series of four crewed scientific research space stations and two crewed military reconnaissance space stations over a period of 15 years, from 1971 to 1986. Two other Salyut launches failed. In one respect, Salyut had the task of carrying out long-term research into the problems of living in space and a variety of astronomical, biological and Earth-resources experiments, and on the other hand the USSR used this civilian programme as a cover for the highly secretive military Almaz stations, which flew under the Salyut designation. Salyut 1, the first station in the programme, became the world's first crewed space station.
Skylab - an occupied space station in 1973.
Skylab was the United States' first space station, launched by NASA,[3] occupied for about 24 weeks between May 1973 and February 1974. It was operated by three trios of astronaut crews: Skylab 2, Skylab 3, and Skylab 4. Operations included an orbital workshop, a solar observatory, Earth observation and hundreds of experiments. Skylab's orbit eventually decayed and it disintegrated in the atmosphere on July 11, 1979, scattering debris across the Indian Ocean and Western Australia.
Buran - the Blizzard, Space Orbiter program of reusable spacecraft in 1974.
The Buran programme (Russian: Буран, IPA: [bʊˈran], "Snowstorm", "Blizzard"), also known as the "VKK Space Orbiter programme" (Russian: ВКК «Воздушно-Космический Корабль», lit. 'Air and Space Ship'),[1] was a Soviet and later Russian reusable spacecraft project that began in 1974 at the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute in Moscow and was formally suspended in 1993.[2] In addition to being the designation for the whole Soviet/Russian reusable spacecraft project, Buran was also the name given to Orbiter 1K, which completed one uncrewed spaceflight in 1988 and was the only Soviet reusable spacecraft to be launched into space. The Buran-class orbiters used the expendable Energia rocket as a launch vehicle.
Space Shuttle established routine transport for earth to orbit crew in 1981.
The Space Shuttle program was the fourth human spaceflight program carried out by the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), which accomplished routine transportation for Earth-to-orbit crew and cargo from 1981 to 2011. Its official name, Space Transportation System (STS), was taken from a 1969 plan for a system of reusable spacecraft of which it was the only item funded for development.[1] It flew 135 missions and carried 355 astronauts from 16 countries, many on multiple trips.
Mir - the Peace space station, operating from 1986 as the first continuously inhabited long-term research station in orbit.
Mir (Russian: Мир, IPA: [ˈmʲir]; lit. 'peace' or 'world') was a space station that operated in low Earth orbit from 1986 to 2001, operated by the Soviet Union and later by Russia. Mir was the first modular space station and was assembled in orbit from 1986 to 1996. It had a greater mass than any previous spacecraft. At the time it was the largest artificial satellite in orbit, succeeded by the International Space Station (ISS) after Mir's orbit decayed. The station served as a microgravity research laboratory in which crews conducted experiments in biology, human biology, physics, astronomy, meteorology, and spacecraft systems with a goal of developing technologies required for permanent occupation of space.
Mir was the first continuously inhabited long-term research station in orbit and held the record for the longest continuous human presence in space at 3,644 days, until it was surpassed by the ISS on 23 October 2010.[13] It holds the record for the longest single human spaceflight, with Valeri Polyakov spending 437 days and 18 hours on the station between 1994 and 1995. Mir was occupied for a total of twelve and a half years out of its fifteen-year lifespan, having the capacity to support a resident crew of three, or larger crews for short visits.
Voyager - Interplanetary mission of USA, launched in 1977
Voyager 1 is a space probe launched by NASA on September 5, 1977, as part of the Voyager program to study the outer Solar System and interstellar space beyond the Sun's heliosphere. It was launched 16 days after its twin Voyager 2. It communicates through the NASA Deep Space Network to receive routine commands and to transmit data to Earth. Real-time distance and velocity data is provided by NASA and JPL.[5] At a distance of 162 AU (24 billion km; 15 billion mi) from Earth as of November 2023,[5] it is the most distant human-made object from Earth.[6]
Sojourner Rover - a remote controlled vehicle built to explore Mars in 1997
A Mars rover is a remote-controlled motor vehicle designed to travel on the surface of Mars. Rovers have several advantages over stationary landers: they examine more territory, they can be directed to interesting features, they can place themselves in sunny positions to weather winter months, and they can advance the knowledge of how to perform very remote robotic vehicle control. They serve a different purpose than orbital spacecraft like Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. A more recent development is the Mars helicopter.
Hubble Space Telescope - launched in 1990 and still in operation
The Hubble Space Telescope (often referred to as HST or Hubble) is a space telescope that was launched into low Earth orbit in 1990 and remains in operation. It was not the first space telescope, but it is one of the largest and most versatile, renowned both as a vital research tool and as a public relations boon for astronomy. The Hubble telescope is named after astronomer Edwin Hubble and is one of NASA's Great Observatories. The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) selects Hubble's targets and processes the resulting data, while the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) controls the spacecraft.[8]
James Webb Space Telescope - launched in 2021
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a space telescope designed to conduct infrared astronomy. Its high-resolution and high-sensitivity instruments allow it to view objects too old, distant, or faint for the Hubble Space Telescope.[9] This enables investigations across many fields of astronomy and cosmology, such as observation of the first stars and the formation of the first galaxies, and detailed atmospheric characterization of potentially habitable exoplanets.[10][11][12]
The Webb was launched on 25 December 2021 on an Ariane 5 rocket from Kourou, French Guiana. In January 2022 it arrived at its destination, a solar orbit near the Sun–Earth L2 Lagrange point, about 1.5 million kilometers (930,000 mi) from Earth. The telescope's first image was released to the public on 11 July 2022.[13]

The Space Explorers - Latest News!
As time goes by, things get busy when we are anticipating puppies. There are things to prepare in the whelping room, applications to read, families to call, supplies to order and plenty more. Each time something significant occurs, I'll post an update here and send a note to the confirmed families. You are welcome to follow along.
Breeding date was November 4, 2023. Although we hoped for puppies, we don't increase food or adjust exercise yet.
Ultrasound confirmation was December 5th. Nakita is ravenous so we've increased her food at both meals.
Puppy room was prepared December 15th. I notice that Nakita needs to pee more often those pups are taking up valuable space. And she has a little extra belly bump as well.

Questions & Answers for Families
Q: How many puppies do you expect? When?
A: We saw 6 on ultrasound, but there could be a couple more. We estimate January 8th +/- 24 hours but Nakita will decide when they are ready.
U: We have 8 healthy pups. 5 males and 3 females. They were born January 2nd.
Q: When can we pick up our puppy? What do we need to bring with us?
A: Puppies will be ready to head home at about 8 weeks. We will set pick up dates well in advance. Bring a safe puppy carrier or kennel for their trip home. We will provide a collar & leash.
U: Puppy pick up will be between March 1st and 4th, at 10am, 2pm and 5pm each day, from our home at 2615 S.Peaktop View Dr. in Cottonwood, Arizona. Please let us know which day and time you prefer.
Q: When do you need our deposit?
A: When you have been approved as a suitable puppy home, and selected for one of the puppies from the current litter, you will receive a Welcome note. I'll ask for a deposit of 50% at that time. You can just pop a regular cheque in the mail payable to
Laureen Little, addressed to
S. Peaktop View Dr., Cottonwood, Az,, 86326.
U: Families have now been confirmed for all 8 puppies. Cheques are due at this time. We will alert the next in line should anyone drop out.
Q: What if we are approved but aren't selected for one of the current puppies?
A: This means that I have more great homes than I need at the moment. There are often folks who drop off once money is payable, so you could still be approved for a replacement home. Otherwise, I'll keep you on my list for the next litter and help you to contact other breeders that may have a puppy sooner.
Q: How big will puppy be at pick up?
A: About 10 lbs at 8-9 weeks old. A carrier or crate up to 20 lbs. and a Small size collar or harness usually fit at this age. (A collar & leash will be provided.)
Q: Can pups fly home? drive? be shipped?
A: We will not ship puppies. This is a big stress at a young age and would be detrimental to their early development. We can help you arrange to fly with your pup in the cabin, even internationally or overseas.
Q; What food will they be eating? How often?
A: I feed NorthWest Naturals raw beef, turkey or trout as well as Fromm Chicken a la Veg kibble. The pups will be used to both of these foods. They will eat 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner) until about 6 months of age. After that, we transition to 2 meals a day.
U: When looking for a good dry food, check that ingredients include a specified type of meat protein in the first 3 ingredients. Whole chicken or chicken meal for instance is fine. General meat byproduct or meal is not good. Watch that rice or a very similar item, ie. brown rice, rice bran doesnt show up more than once in the top 5 ingredients. Similarly, watch for lentils, peas, soybeans that show up multiple times. No matter what you choose, switch it up regularly - rotating the protein and manufacturer with each bag.
Q: Are there any foods or ingredients we should avoid?
A: Nakita has a sensitivity to pork and venison. I suggest avoiding these if possible. I also skip any foods that show corn or corn meal as one of the first 5 ingredients.
Q: Are there any supplements or treats you recommend?
A: We give PlaqueOff to reduce dental tartar and a good quality ProBiotic to help prevent digestive upsets. A good source of Omega 3 Fatty Acids is recommended as well. Make sure this is a high quality product, without lead contaminants and fresh, not rancid.
Regular kibble makes great training treats while they are small. We provide plenty of raw vegetables (cucumber ends, pepper insides, cauliflower core) at dinner time for variety, training & health benefits. I like Zuke Minis, or Pet Greens for training and limited ingredient biscuits for a bedtime treat.
Q: Do you allow visitors while the pups are small?
A: We've had puppy visitors from whelping day to go home day. Let us know if you are in the area and we will make it work - at least a short look at the pups should be possible. We request you have clean clothes, leave shoes at the front door, wash & sanitize your hands before you enter the puppy room.
U: If you are in the area, give us a call and drop in to visit the puppies. Call or text 403-650-4909
Q: How careful do we need to be with our pup when we get home?
A: Your pup will have their first vaccine but will not be fully protected against Parvo and Distemper. Avoid all contact with other dogs unless you are VERY confident in their vaccination status. If you have a shared yard, carry your pup out to an exercise pen with your potty box/area inside until your pup has full protection.
Q: When will we choose our special puppy?
A: Our objective is to find each puppy its best possible home. We also want to find each family their perfect puppy. How do we do that?
At about 7 weeks of age, puppies begin to have more steady reliable personalities. We do temperament testing at this time. We note the pup that winds up with excitement vs the one that goes to find a corner to snooze and avoid all the hub-bub. We look for pups that move quickly or are more vocal vs those that move with care and keep their voice for especially tough situations.
At the same time, we will ask each family about the perfect dog for your home and family. Will they have a lot of daily activity going on? or is it a quiet home? Do you plan to compete in sports or enjoy slow days together? Do you have train tracks or a highway fairly close by that adds to ambient noise?
Once we have the pups assessed and the families described, we will match pups to families. At this point, we will host a zoom meeting so that you can meet your perfect puppy.
Be assured, all of the puppies are wonderful and you won't be disappointed.
Q: What if we really like the green collar puppy?
A: Think about what it is that attracts you to that puppy. Is it the size or activity of the pup? The special colouring or sex? Let us know about these preferences when we ask for matching information.
Remember that the right fit is so much more important than the tail shape in your imagination. Try not to get too invested in any of the pups until you are matched. Even the runt will grow into a normal sized Entlebucher; it will just take them a little longer. And the sex is not always the most important thing.
We've been there - watching the red collar and ending up with the green one. It was a great decision and has been our best dog ever!
Q: How involved is it to breed - just once?
A: Any dog that is going to breed must complete the health testing as defined by NEMDA at 2 years old.
The owner of the female (the breeder) will select the stud and make the arrangements. Your stud is more likely to be selected if you have had your dog's semen analyzed for fertility and published with NEMDA. Let me know if you need help finding a vet to collect your male.
A brucellosis screening blood test will be required to rule out STD's in both dogs. I can help you find this service.
If you have a male, you just need to make a single date with a girl. Sometimes, she may want 2 or even 3 ties over 3 days for better odds.
If you have a female, it is still possible to breed as a novice. I am happy to help you select a mate and plan the program.
At a minimum, you will need;
A good vet that is close by and available 24/7. They must do C-sections and be familiar with dog breeding.
A reproduction specialist with in house progesterone testing within a short drive of home is ideal for timing the meet-up.
Time and aptitude to take on a new challenge.
You will need to study dog reproduction & neonatal care to feel confident. I am happy to be on call for the whelping and coach you through raising the puppies as long as you have a reliable vet available.
The final priority is finding excellent homes for all of the pups. Again, I am happy to help. The earlier you begin to plan, the easier things will go for. 12 months ahead is not too early to start talking about breeding ideas.
Lift Off of The Space Explorers
January 2, 2023
What a surprise we had! I wasn't expecting puppies until January 8th based on my calculations. Nakita had other plans apparently.
At 6 am, Ian awoke to a little squeak from Nakita's kennel. She sleeps beside his side of our bed. When he investigated, there was a puppy, wet and warm and wriggling!
We got them moved to the whelping box in the puppy room but things stalled. Since we are an hour's drive from emergency medical help, we packed up and started for the vet's office.
It was an action packed day at the vet's and we came home in the evening with a healthy Nakita and 8 little pups - all healthy. One is a bit smaller and was needing some help but we have high hopes that we can get him going.

Great job Nakita! Time for a little relaxation between feedings.
Baby puppies have a unique look - maybe more like squirrels. They are designed for nursing, with big snout and strong suckling reflex.

Sometimes, their colouring looks off. I believe that is the dense undercoat that you see peeking out. The black, sleek top coat may still be growing in.
With their earlier than expected arrival, I suspect these are Nelons's offspring. We will do DNA testing to confirm.

The Space Explorers
Soujourner (green)
Apollo (aqua)
Voyager (gold)
Mercury (burnt orange)
Pioneer (purple)
Mariner (raspberry)
Gemini (fluorescent orange)
Hubble (fluroescent pink)
Introducing the puppies of the
Space Explorer (D) Litter.
Photos below were taken Thursday, January 4th at 2 days of age.
Notice that each puppy has unique markings on their face, legs and chest although they are very similar at first glance. The markings will change a little as they mature and take on more of the characteristics of older pups.
Right now, with ears and eyes sealed shut, their snout is their whole world. It brings them food as well as scents and textures. We will introduce novel scents this week to grow the area of their brains dedicated to scent detection. They already know the scent of their mother and maybe mine.
We keep all cleaning products as scent free as possible.

Space Explorer: Mariner
372 g at birth, the biggest at birth.

Space Explorer: Apollo
340 g at birth

Space Explorer: Pioneer
333 g at birth

Space Explorer: Mercury
(burnt orange)
320 g at birth

Space Explorer: Voyager
294 g at birth

Space Explorer: Hubble
(fluorescent pink)
284 g at birth

Space Explorer: Gemini
(fluorescent orange)
280 g at birth

Space Explorer: Sojourner
245 g at birth, our smallest puppy.
Good News!
Sojourner was the smallest pup at birth and then lost weight in the first 24 hours. We decided to give him supplemental feedings (tube feeding) on January 3rd including vitamins, pro and prebiotic, high energy and calories.
Overnight on the 3rd, without any extras, he seemed to pick up and he had regained his birth weight by morning. Hopefully, he's out of the woods for now.
He seems lively and much more robust with a round, fat belly, as is normal at this stage.
Early Scent Introduction
starting day 3
During early life, the brain is very plastic and responds to whatever stimuli it receives. By providing novel scents during the first 14 days, before eyes and ears open, we can enhance the development of the part of the brain dedicated to scent differentiation.
This may be helpful for dogs that do scent work but is just interesting for the others. Through out their lives they will benefit from super sniffers!
Scents we have tried / or will consider:
Nelson's scent from his collar
An orange rose petal
Horse scent from our brushes
My scent from dirty laundry
Ian's scent also from laundry
Leaves, needles, flowers
Dirt, sand, clay, pebbles
The interesting thing is that the objects themselves don't matter. Nor does it matter what reaction the puppy demonstrates. Sometimes they lean in as if they like the scent and want more while other times they will vigorously throw their head away from the item as if it offends them.
It's the experience and exposure to many unique scents that will build the brain network for future scent identification.
Read about Canine-Behavioral-Development from Avidog to learn how and why we try to influence future behaviours of the dog in infancy.
Excerpts from the above source.
Neonatal Period (0 Days to 10 Days)
A puppy is born both blind and deaf but is capable of whining to attract attention from its mother. It is born with the senses of balance (although it is unable to stand), taste, smell, touch, and temperature.
Although puppies depend on the mother for thermoregulation, they are born with a sense of temperature and will root against a warm object. Newborn puppies will also move against the grain of the hair of their mother so they will get be guided to the udder. They also turn or move toward the side they are touched on.
From about 2 to 3 days of age, a puppy is able to crawl, throwing its head from side to side and using its nose as a sensory touch and temperature probe to orient itself. All of the puppy's behaviors are designed to get it back into the heap of littermates and to the udder.
Neonatal Care
January 5, Day 4

All Videos
Neonatal Care
January 6, Day 5
We have moved into a kind of rhythym in the whleping room - which is wonderful. It means that we are relaxed and not particularly worried about the immediate survival of the babies. All of the pups are suckling well and sleeping soundly with full bellies in between feeds. They are putting on small gains each day.
Mariner, with the raspberry collar, continues to be the amazon of the group and Sojourner with the green collar is the comparative runt. Both seem to enjoy vocalizing more than average - both contented grunts while they drink and shrieks when they are trying to bulldoze their way to a nipple. You would guess that the little one would lose out in this battle but they inevitably have strategies to be successful. Often the little ones will burrow under the puppy pile and suck from the teats on the far side.
They provide continuous entertainment, that's for sure!

Morning weigh-in & scent exposure
Neonatal Care
January 9, End of 1st week
The puppies continue to grow, although the sporadic nature of their weight gains is worrisome. Perhaps they just haven't been eating as much at night? For whatever reason, I see a plateau in the weights of the smallest pups. Otherwise, they seem normal. I'm hoping that it is just a short phase.
You may notice that the little puppy faces are starting to look more recognizable as a puppy. That overgrown pink snout has become more little nose and mouth. I notice their ears starting to lose their tight fold and wonder if sounds are starting to penetrate. So far, I don't see any reaction to outside noise. I often wonder about their murmuring and screaming when they don't hear themselves. Maybe the vibrations are comforting somehow? From day to day the puppies causing all the ruckus seem to change. At first, it was little Sojourner - maybe he was struggling a bit. Lately, it's the bigger pups, as if maybe they had too much Thanksgiving turkey. It can be startling in the middle of the night as one becomes 'lost' and screams as it tries to find its way back to the pack and mom's warmth.
The puppies are weighed twice a day and exhibit different reactions to being removed from their warm, quiet bed. Some just fall asleep at the scale while others wriggle and scream so much I have to be careful they don't fall out! I'm not sure these are lasting personality traits yet but their reactions definitely have character!

Jan 13 A78A8946
Transition Period (11 Days to 21 Days) Jan 12-22
The development of vision and hearing, around 2 weeks of age, makes the puppy more reactive to environmental stimuli. Suddenly they can hear each other and the household noises around them. They can see mom and their litter mates. Puppies will begin to play-fight and love to make a ruckus!
The video above shows the pups at mealtime. This is still the most important thing in their lives. They are acrobats and warriors as they scramble for the best nipple. Although at times it seems that one is missing out, they always find a way - often tunnelling under the puppy pile.
The gallery of photos below will let you get a better look at specific puppies but doesn't show their movement as well. I try to make sure they all get in a photo, but at times, some are just a lot more interesting than others. Sleeping is just not that exciting!
I hope you enjoy this video. You will notice that the pups are able to eat while mom is seated as opposed to lying flat on her side. This is good news! Nakita much prefers to be able to look around and finds all that lying about tiresome.
The dog mother naturally demands more of the pups at each stage. By sitting up, she requires the pups to work on their balance, using the hind legs to sit while their front paws continue to knead for milk.

Jan 20 - Eating again A78A9072
Week 3: January 23 to 29th
Puppy Development:
The 3rd week
Puppies can stand, sit up and even start walking, taking their first wobbly steps by the end of this week
They can wag their tails
Their ear canals open and they start to respond to sound, showing a startle response to loud noises
Their vision improves and they start to respond to light and movement
They start to make proper dog sounds and may make their first attempt at barking
They can regulate their body temperature more effectively
They start to cut their first milk teeth in preparation for weaning, with the front teeth, canines and incisors coming through first
What about the Space Explorers?
Our puppies are right on schedule. They've been biting each other on the face since their eyes opened. They've become more aware of their surroundings - enjoying the plush dog bed when it's in their pen. They can definitely walk - although they are much more confident and able while they are on their fleece flooring. The tile was VERY slippery earlier today. Like little children learning to skate, they couldn't figure out why they couldn't walk as usual.
The pen is full of puppy noises while they are awake - these include the mews calling for mom to come bring a meal and excited squeaks when she arrives. But now, we hear little screams and barks and growls somewhat randomly. I think they are just trying out their voices.
They are starting to stand on their hind feet and climb. When they have a cushion or some wire railing they can make great progress. The front of the whelping box had to be raised to prevent escape.
I haven't noticed teeth yet, but those nails sure grow fast. They are not big fans of nail trims but they put up with it. Some like to be held and cuddled while others seem to prefer running under their own control. They spread out a bit to sleep now, enjoying space to stretch.
Puppy Development:
The 4th week
Puppies become much more active and stronger on their legs
They start to move away from the sleeping area to urinate and defecate
They may try to climb out of the whelping box
They can see quite well by now
The back teeth start to come through
What about the Space Explorers?
We are just through week 4 - time flies when you have 8 puppies to care for! I think they aare right on target for developmental milestone. They most definitely have teeth now, all across the front and devour both raw food and kibble. Of course, mom's milk is still their favourite nourishment.
We've had some visitors, lots of new playthings and time exploring the kitchen. We had one very loud night - they sound like howler monkeys! With wet weather, our play pen has to be indoors, so we have a new pen especially for night time - a bit further from the human bedrooms.
Week 4
Week 4


Socialization I: 4 to 8 weeks
This week begins the work of puppy rearing. Their senses are all ready for new input and their brains welcome new things at this age. We try to take full advantage to teach them about their world.
Puppy can now really run and play. It is probably the most significant period of the puppy’s young life and much of what he learns now will last throughout his lifetime. In this stage it’s incredibly important to socialise him by introducing him to other people and dogs, as well as new noises and environments.
Puppies begin to interact with their siblings, even actively playing and play-fighting with each other. They start to practice using social signals, such as growling, pawing and tail wagging. Biting behaviour may occur, which helps to relieve the discomfort of teething.
In this period, puppies begin to exhibit signs of distress for reasons other than being cold or hungry. Separation from their litter mates, a new environment, or accidentally wandering too far from the nest will cause them to cry.
During this first Socialization period, the puppy is learning about being a dog. They become familiar with all the species-specific behaviours, such as different body postures and vocalisations, that allow them to live and communicate with other dogs.
During this stage mum will educate her pups about discipline and dog-manners. She teaches them how to bite and what it feels like to be bitten, and they learn not to bite too hard. It is important for puppies to learn this lesson when they are young, so that they do not hurt other dogs and people as adults. Pups typically erupt with a huge scream when they are hurt - it throws off their adversary and allows them to get away.
Puppy Portraits
February 1
1 month old
Fluorescent Orange


Fluorescent Pink





Burnt Orange

Where are the Space Explorers headed?
From central Arizona, high desert town,
These pups will soon depart.
Our Space Explorers spread joy and love,
Wait till they grab your heart!
It matters not how far they roam,
For we will always stay,
Connected through their families,
Though sometimes miles away.
But bring them back to say hello,
When travels bring you close.
We'll never forget your little one,
White blaze and kissy nose.
Space Explorers
Previous LItters

Week 5
Week 5 already! They sure are growing. Most have graduated to a bigger collar now. We started feeding them at the beginning of this week. Nakita was eating a ton and they seemed unhappy, especially at night. When all 8 start yelling they sound just like howler monkeys! It's not great at 2 am, so we moved the night time pen a bit further from the sleeping humans and added bedtime food.
We've given them both raw and kibble. I can't say they have a strong preference at this point. They seem to like it best when Nakita comes in to finish up their meal and they get a chance to nurse, leisurely for a few minutes. They are very proficient nursers and 3 minutes is a long time.
Puppies at this age are all about unique experiences. We try to put something new in the pen each day. They've tried walking on a wire grate and a glass tile. They saw themselves in the mirror and learned that some things are hard to climb but sliding can be fun. Those teeth are testing out toys but also tails and ears. A puppy in distress has a unique ear-splitting scream. They get their message across quickly.

Week 6
They are real little puppies now. They love their free play time in the kitchen while I clean the pen. They seem to be showing some more consistent personality traits - but I'm just observing so far. The little ones are catching up, eager to eat anytime food is offered.
We've had loads of visitors and plan more next week. The pups were outside just briefly - due to wet weather. We did a 'Woods Walk' through the house instead. They are pretty good at following mom, since she still nurses them several times each day. I thought she was just cleaning up their dinner plate, but today it seems she nurses for its own sake.
Tasks for this week:
Deworm with Toltrazurl
Car rides
Woods walks
Am I Ready For Puppy?
There are a lot of details for prospective puppy families - and for us with the puppies as well.
Here's where we are in the process. If you haven't completed a step, please contact us to get caught up.
Read through the information on the rest of the website.
Learn about proper weight and body condition - the single most important thing you can do to ensure a long healthy life.
Choose a good quality dog food. Learn how to read the label and evaluate the contents vs the packaging.
Provide plenty of clean, fresh water both inside and out.
Supplement with Plaque-Off, Omega 3 oil and a Probiotic.
Find some great, delicious treats for training. Don't overlook vegetables - bits of carrot and broccoli are excellent choices. String cheese is also safe.
Learn about Tag Lines - a short leash on the collar that he wears inside. When he jumps up, you pull up on the Tag Line and he will learn to sit to greet people.
Find a puppy class to start at about 4 months of age. You will need a 2nd class of basic obedience as well.
Learn about the benefits of delayed spay/neuter. You are required to keep your puppy intact past his 2nd birthday. For males, keeping them intact for life is very easy and the healthiest choice.
Think about if you would allow us to breed your dog once. Health testing is required at 2 years of age which may cost $1,000 or so.
Indicate your interest by completing an application form. We need your contact information.
Provide 3 references (personal, dog person, employment/coach). We may only call one, but we'd like to double check our instincts and confirm that you will provide an excellent home.
Provide a deposit cheque $1,250 made out to Laureen Little and mail it to us at
2615 S. Peaktop View Dr., Cottonwood, Az. -
Complete the Puppy Matching survey and return it to us.
Make travel arrangements to pick up your puppy between March 1st to 4th. Select 10am, 2pm or 5pm and let us know your day & time. We are approximately 1.5 hours drive from either Flagstaff or Phoenix Sky Harbor airport. Check your passport expiry date if you are coming from outside the country.
If you are flying, be sure to book "Puppy In Cabin" and get a small carrier for your puppy. They will be about 10 lbs when they head home and they need their own ticket.
A carrier is a good idea if you are driving as well. It provides a safe place for travel and can serve as a bedtime spot for the first while.
A harness and seat belt tether are exellent tools for keeping puppy safe during travel. I like the Kurgo ones.
Think of a puppy name. It must start with the letter "D" and end with "of Bar TT Ranch". Otherwise, it can be whatever you choose. Doby of Bar TT Ranch or Delightful Marcella of Bar TT Ranch are both fine. You can always call your dog whatever you choose, but this will be their official AKC registered name.
Read up on healthy puppy tips and safety in the home. Please DO NOT play with tennis balls - real ones or pet store ones. They are very abrasive and Entlebuchers seem to have soft teeth. Never give bones that have been cooked. Safe bones include turkey necks and small marrow bones - remove them once the marrow inside has been eaten.
Hold a family meeting to decide on the rules for puppy. Is he allowed on beds? on the couch? in the living room with the 'good rug'? Does he go outside alone? or with a human? Where does he potty? Who feeds him? Where will he sleep?
Start reading about bringing puppy home. Plan to keep his first day quiet, so that he can take his time getting to know your family and home as he feels confident and comfortable. Save the welcome party for a couple weeks out, when he's ready to play.
Plan for puppy to sleep in his carrier beside your bed for the first few weeks. If he wakes, take him out to potty and put him right back in, without any fuss. If he's looking for attention, you can pet him but leave him inside the carrier!
Have an exercise pen for your puppy during the day. A 24" pen is more convenient initially, but he'll soon be able to jump over that. 36" is more secure, if there's nothing to climb on inside. Place the pen in a busy area of the house, so he has company. You can take him out to play for a few minutes, but watch for signs that he needs to potty.
Read up on potty training and crate training. In short, put puppy in the exercise pen. When you take him out, always take him out to potty first. If he pees, give him a treat, be excited and play for a few minutes before you return him to the pen. If he doesn't pee, return him directly to the exercise pen. Wait a half hour or more and try again. Puppies at 2 months old can wait about 2 hours for a potty break. At 3 months, you can expect 3 hours and at 4 months, 4 hours.
Set up your vet appointments - within a few days of getting home for a basic health check, then March 12th for their 2nd vaccine and March 26-30th for a blood draw to check titres (vaccine protection levels).
Week 7
Now life is busy! Puppies love to run around in big spaces but inevitably, that means more clean up! They enjoy new toys each day, learning quickly how to manipulate them for the most fun.
There's a lot more tugging and biting on toys now. Their potty training is going well - either one of them is not with the program or they are all at 7/8 success rate. In either case, I appreciate their efforts!
They are very interessted in Nelson now, even though he reminds them that he is the big dog by growling and barking in their little faces. They bravely bark back from inside their pen and then scurry to hide.
This week -
Vaccinations DAP (distemper, adenovirus and parvovirus) as per the titre report.
Deworming - Pyrantel Pamoate
Temperament Testing
Week 8
Only a few more days to enjoy these delights! They are ready to go to their new homes.
This week, we have structural evaluation scheduled for Tuesday to look for the best show characteristics. Then on Thursday, the pups head back to the vet for Health Certificates and Microchips.
Once the evaluations are completed on the 27th, I'll sort through the puppies and determine the best matches for each family. I'll let you know as soon as I have them all sorted. I know you are anxious to know which one is going home with you.
We just heard back from the AKC about the DNA analysis of this litter. It has been confirmed that all Space Explorers are by Rama. Click on the name below to learn more about Rama, new father of eight! Or click on the pedigree to see the ancestral details.
Valmiki’s Ramayana of Dyberry Creek Farm
Aton z Rodevachu x Quina uit 't Hollandse Entlinest

Puppies Head Home
Our Space Explorers are off on new adventures. As they head to their new homes, we will add a few photos of each puppy. Compare them to their photos at 2 days and 4 weeks. They change so much!
Best wishes, puppies. Take good care of your new humans. They've been selected just for you!

Della Mae Tello

Dillon M James Gillespie

Duke Fee

Drifa Faelan Ball

Deveny / Rizo

Schnitzel Bauman

